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Sutton County Hazard Mitigation Plan – June 2024

The goal of all mitigation efforts is long-term reduction. The emphasis on sustained actions to reduce long-term risk differentiates mitigation from preparedness and response tasks that are required to survive a disaster and form recovery tasks, which are essentially the return to predisaster status. Mitigation actions follow a disaster focus on making the situation safer and better than before the incident occurred. Mitigation is an essential component of emergency management. Effective mitigation actions can decrease the impact, the requirements, and the expense of future hazard events. None of the communities in this plan have been designated for special consideration because of minority or economically disadvantaged populations.

Hazard mitigation planning is never ending. The primary purpose of this plan is to ensure that the residents, visitors, and businesses in Sutton County, Texas are safe and secure from natural hazards by reducing the risk and vulnerability before disasters happen, through federal, state, and local community communication, public education, research, and data analysis. This plan is intended to serve as a guide in coordinating and implementing hazard mitigation policies, programs, and projects.

The Sutton County Hazard Mitigation Plan has been developed, and the assessment level of planning preparedness is intermediate. The Hazard Mitigation Action Plan Update will only serve to enhance the County’s already considerable capabilities in recognizing, planning for, responding to, and recovering from disaster. The County’s history of careful development, monitoring, and integration of emergency management and hazard mitigation planning is testament to its standing commitment to make the jurisdictions as disaster resistant as possible.